PGP: 6BDFD428487D50AC40774CB4AC382728823BDAEC


Zodiac Tail: A Game of Cat and Mouse

2023 - 2024

A puzzle platformer that's based on the Zodiac animals! Solve challenging levels with a rat that can time travel and a cat that can teleport! Co-led development with Amy Li while working as the lead developer for this game.  WebGL



2021 - 2022

A security detection tool built for the Ethereum blockchain. How it works is that clients would subscribe their smart contracts to be notified or halted when a vulnerability is discovered in their smart contract. Vulnerabilities are found through white hackers contributing to the attack database, and comparing the found vulnerable code with the client's code.



Amateur Hour: Using Headlines to Predict Stocks


This machine learning model uses headline keywords in stock market data to predict the outcome of overall stock performance. This is my entry for the Two Sigma: Using News to Predict Stock Movements Kaggle competition.

Kaggle  GitHub

Jan Garong
